Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to Lose Weight Safely

Maintaining the normal weight is paramount to healthy living. When you are in the range of healthy weight, you will have fewer worries about the health problems. If you can burn about 500 more calories than the food you consume for one week, you could lose about one or two pounds. To reduce weight fast, you need to exercise more and eat less. There is no other shortcut to reducing your weight in a safe manner.

If you consume between 1050 and 1200 calories and exercise for up to an hour daily, you could lose between three and five pounds in your first week. It is essential not to reduce your calorie intake further because it is dangerous. Minimizing the starch, sugar, dairy foods, and animal fats is a great way to lose weight. You need to focus on eating more veggies, soy products, egg white, fruits, fish, non-fat dairy foods, skinless poultry breasts and 95% lean meat.

The following are some tips that can help you in the process of reducing your weight;

• Drink more water
• Eat veggies to make you feel full
• Don't skip any meal
• Throw tempting foods out of your house
• Keep the record of the food you eat
• Keep yourself busy; you shouldn't eat because of boredom

If you are able to record your daily intake even in a napkin that will end up being thrown away, it will be an act of being accountable to yourself. Keeping records of your daily diet is a very effective tool when you plan to lose weight.

Exercising to lose weight fast

According to study, safe weight loss requires up to an hour moderate exercise every day. Make a plan to do strength and cardio training if you want to lose weight. Cardio will help you burn most calories to lose weight very fast, but you will need to include strength training a few hours per week.

If you have not been exercising for a very long time, don't rush into exercising for longer hours; make it a gradual process. Rushing the exercise may lead to injury and cause the setback to your weight loss plan. If you are not sure of how to start, consult a councilor to put you through.

One important way to set up you exercise intensity is to start interval training- brief burst of high intensity which is followed by more mellow pace; repeat the same pattern throughout your workout. The interval training will allow you work harder without spending the entire time at the higher level. The more you exercise your body, the more it becomes easy to lose weight.

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